Why and How Cloth Diapers Can Work for Your Baby



作为一个全新的父母, there’s a mountain of decisions you have to make before and after your baby arrives. 约翰还是乔安娜? 在家分娩或在医院分娩? One of the questions you’ve asked yourself is probably about using disposable or cloth diapers.

Like any other decision, you will weigh the pros and cons of both options. 随便你选哪个, you want to make sure that the decision will work for your lifestyle and the well-being of your baby.

Cloth diapers definitely offer benefits over disposable diapers, but an understandable concern for some 父母 is the health of their baby and the additional workload of washing cloth diapers. The last thing a new parent wants is more work. We put together reasons to opt for cloth diapers, plus tips on how our ECOS Hypoallergenic 洗衣 Detergent is a safer choice laundry detergent for babies.


The Benefit of Opting for Cloth Diapers

Unlike their disposable counterparts, cloth diapers offer a slew of benefits that may make you consider them for your soon-to-arrive baby or make the switch if you’re already using disposable diapers.

1. 健康的选择

Firstly, cloth diapers do not carry the same EDCs, or endocrine-disruptive chemicals, such as 邻苯二甲酸盐. A study published in 2021 linked early life exposure to EDCs with “early puberty” in baby girls.1

Cloth diapers are a great hypoallergenic option, but you also want to consider a safer-choice laundry detergent for babies. Keeping your baby’s sensitive skin safe is a top priority; ECOS Hypoallergenic 洗衣 Detergent is made without dyes, 1,4-dioxane, or EDCs, making it a gentle and safer-to-use option.

2. 对环境更有利

名字里就有, but we think it’s important to mention reusable diapers are better for the environment because you can reuse them! Something stinks and we think it’s this staggering statistic from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: Disposable diapers make up 4.100万吨城市垃圾!2

3. 更便宜的

Cloth diapers are a one-time purchase, unlike single-use disposables. 新 父母 are confronted with expenses from new clothes, 瓶, 玩具, 巡回演出的演员, 汽车安全座椅, 婴儿床……这样的例子不胜枚举. Add disposable diapers into the equation and that could cost upwards of $2,500多, depending on the number of diaper changes a day, by the time your baby is out of them!3

With cloth diapers, you’ll spend less money on the cost of supplies by washing and reusing them. 作为奖励, if you plan on having another baby in the future, you may even be able to save and use them again with your next baby!

Mother Holding 新born Father Washing Baby Clothes


你的宝贝宝贝. Their eyes, nose, smiles, adorable noises, and soft skin. 作为家长, you want to protect their sensitive skin by picking a laundry detergent that doesn’t have harsh ingredients. ECOS Hypoallergenic 洗衣 Detergent uses a coconut-derived cleaner to break down odors and eliminate stubborn stains.

When washing your baby’s cloth diapers, 遵循这些简单的步骤4 使用我们的 低过敏性洗衣粉:

  1. Remove any inserts if you are using pocket diapers.
  2. Use the highest water level allowed by your washing machine.
  3. Start off with a cold water rinse, no detergent yet.
  4. 冷水冲洗后, run the cloth diapers through a regular wash cycle on hot using pour 1 ounce for high-efficiency loads or 2 ounces for standard loads.
  5. If you have a particularly stubborn stain, pretreat the stain by pouring a few drops of laundry detergent directly on it, 戳中伤口, and then put the cloth diapers into the washing machine.
  6. Depending on your preference, you can dry them on hot or hang them to dry.

有时, if a laundry detergent isn’t enough, you need a tougher cleaner to remove stains without compromising on health. 我们建议使用 ECOS OxoBrite® Multi-Purpose Stain Remover 作为漂白剂的安全替代品. It’s a mineral-based stain remover that will help lift stains, brighten colors, and whiten whites.

新 父母 can use all the help they can get, especially with learning how to properly wash and care for their baby’s things. It takes a village, and we have helpful tips in our How to Wash Your Baby’s Clothes: A Guide 博客文章.

Pick the Best Option for You and Your Baby

Cloth diapers may be the healthier, 环境安全, and more cost-effective choice for you and your baby. 当涉及到他们的幸福时, ECOS Hypoallergenic 洗衣 Detergent can relieve some of the worries about keeping your baby’s sensitive skin safer, wash after wash.

了解我们完整的十大彩票网赌平台系列 更安全的洗衣十大彩票网赌平台 to keep you, your baby, and your entire home safer and healthier.


  1. Papadimitriou A, Papadimitriou DT. Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals and Early Puberty in Girls. 孩子(巴塞尔). 2021 Jun 10;8(6):492. doi: 10.3390 / children8060492. PMID: 34200537; PMCID: PMC8226958.
  2. United States Environmental Protection Agency. Nondurable Goods: Product-Specific Data.
  3. 《十大赌博官方正规网址》. 布尿布vs. Disposable Diapers: Getting Started.
  4. 父母.com. The Modern 父母 Guide to Cloth Diapering.